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Gardinova Cannabis Company Logo
Cannabis ist seit über 20 Jahren unsere Passion

About Us
Vision and passion are when profit becomes secondary. We are a small company that focuses on sustainability in the regulation and production of cannabis. 
We fight and stand for this with our products and our actions!

Founded with passion by Flo in 2015, we now enjoy a lot of support for our tireless activism across the industry.

Gardinova Cannabis Company Logo
Gardinova Cannabis Leave

With the 4-(wo)man-strong association SSAC, we also achieved the following goals, among others:



-Foundation of the association SSAC

-Sponsorship and participation in der STCMConference in Berne

(with Prof. em. Dr. pharm. Brenneisen)

-Sponsorship and participation in the UFCMConference in Strasbourg

(with Mr. Bertrand Rambaud)

-Cooperation withCAMAG

to develop a method for analyzing cannabinoids and terpenes

via HPTLC, Phase I

-Various information appearances



-Sponsorship and participation in the UFCMConference in Strasbourg

(with Mr. Bertrand Rambaud)

-Cooperation withCAMAG

to develop a method for analyzing cannabinoids and terpenes

via HPTLC, phase II

-Collaboration with Michelle Sexton ND from theBastyr University (San Diego, USA)

for the translation (in German, French and Italian) of the study on cannabis


-Various information appearances


-Info event and exhibition stand for risk reduction authorized by the city of Biel / Bienne

on the occasion of the worldwide movement"Support, don't punish"


-Sponsorship and participation in the UFCMConference in Strasbourg

(with Mr. Bertrand Rambaud)

-Assistance and input to the LSTUP Art.8 to theBAG

Medical and non-medical pilot projects.

-Assistance and input atSwiss standards association SNV


-Various information appearances


- Participation in the creation of the cannabis standard D37,ASTM (USA)

-Creation and development of the information brochure "Cannabis in Switzerland-

a practical introduction" with the companyGardinova

-Foundation ofCannabis Supply Chain Meetingsin the retirement center in Ins

-Sponsorship and participation in der STCMConference in Berne

(with Prof. em. Dr. pharm. Brenneisen)

-Various information appearances


-A small report about us in the knownHemp Magazine

-Cancellation ofCSCMdue to the COVID pandemic


-Assistance in setting up the medical pilot project in theAZI in Ins

- Assisting in theCannabis cultivation surveyInternational CannabisCultivation Questionnaire 2.0theUniversity of LausanneandLooking for Switzerland


- Assistance in the development of theInformation brochure for professionalsthe renownedHanseler AG

-Various information appearances


-Assistance in setting up the medical pilot project in theAZI in Ins.

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-Our medical pilot project inAZI in Insreceived from the associationCURAVIVA BE awarded the innovation prize. We are extremely happy about it.

-Various information appearances


-Assistance in setting up the pilot project in Biel/Bienne.

  • Creation of prevention and training concepts

  • Creation of prevention and training material

  • Brochures in German and French


-Lecture "Medical cannabis in care" for the

Freelance care of the canton of Bern.


-Various information appearances


-Assistance in setting up the pilot project in Biel/Bienne.

  • Creation of prevention and training concepts

  • Creation of prevention and training material

  • Brochures in German and French


-Care price for the med. Pilot project in the retirement center in Ins


-Various information appearances

-The association will be dissolved at an extraordinary general assembly at the request of the current president.

The goals were achieved according to our statutes:

Medicinal cannabis:

Safe access to cannabis is now guaranteed after much effort.

Pharmaceutical cannabis can be prescribed for medical purposes without a special permit from the BAG. This can also be cannabis flowers (Cannabis Flos).

Our projects on this are ongoing. For more information you can contact us at any timeto contact.

Cannabis recreational use:

Safe access to cannabis is now guaranteed for the foreseeable future.

The FOPH and political decision-makers are currently evaluating suitable models for Switzerland to regulate cannabis for non-medical purposes. These are known as pilot cannabis projects.

Our projects on this are ongoing. For more information you can contact us at any timeto contact.

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Public downloads:

Information brochure "Cannabis in Switzerland - a practical introduction"

Information brochure for professionalsthe renownedHanseler AG

Information brochure for professionalsthe renownedHanseler AG

(detailed version)

Gardinova Cannabis Leave
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